2017 Week Four Wrap-Up

Constituent News

2017 Issues Survey

If you haven’t already, please take the District 64 2017 Issues Survey.

Visitors to the Capitol

I love getting visits from constituents.  This week, I was able to host more neighbors and friends on the floor.  Are you next?

Mrs. Thurston, my favorite constituent

Provo Peaks Elementary Students

Arts Advocates on the Hill

Randy Keyes, Springville Museum of Art

Break Time – A quick look at interactions that happen between meetings

Westminster College, Public Health Class

On Wednesday, I was able to drive to Westminster College during the lunch break to speak with Laura Belgique’s public health class. It’s not easy to leave the capitol, but it is worth the effort to meet the next generation of leaders.

Westminster College Discussion

Public Health Students

Utah County Outrage!

Also on Wednesday, the Utah County Outrage! Youth came to the capitol to advocate for raising the legal age to purchase or use tobacco from 19 to 21.

Utah County Outrage! Youth leaders

Higher Ed Day on the Hill

On Friday, student leaders from Utah’s public colleges and universities came to the capitol to meet legislators, learn about the process and highlight the impact of Higher Ed on their lives.

SUU Agricultural Students

My Issues – A quick run-down of what I am working on for you

Vaccinations and Exemptions

The set of three bills (HB308, HB309, and HB310) had their first public hearing on Friday, and were passed our favorably and sent to the House Floor. I am so appreciative that people from all perspectives have been able to compromise and support these bills that will move us in the right direction.


The DUI bill is still waiting to be heard on the House Floor.  In the meantime, we are all working hard to make our case to legislators about why lowering the BAC limit to .05 will save lives.

Minuteman Highway

HB192 designates a section of State Highway 85 as the Minuteman Highway.  After a successful Senate committee hearing on Friday, it should now be considered for final passage by the Senate this week.  It is an honor to be asked by the National Guard Association of Utah to sponsor this bill.

Three National Guard Colonels
(Mike Norton, Matt Badell, and Pete Knudson)

Free Expression

HB298 is also up for consideration this week.  This bill establishes that if a city or county wants to limit free expression on public grounds, they have to take specific steps so that everyone knows what the rules are and ensure that there is also a reasonable option available.  This is a great step forward for 1st Amendment rights in Utah.

Occupational Freedom

HB331 promotes the concept of mobility in careers and professions.  It sets up a process for people who are licensed and have experience in another state to move to Utah and continue their profession.  We have a committee hearing this week and hope to get more input from my colleagues about how to decrease barriers to mobility.

Key Bill Tracker – My view on some of the more notable bills to hit the House Floor

HB164 Municipal Enterprise Fund Amendments (Rep. J. Moss)

This bill relates to how cities use fee collections and their Enterprise Fund to pay for local needs.  This was the most popular topic in my email inbox from residents of district 64 with 100% of the contacts urging me to vote against it.  I have been in touch with Mayor Curtis and the bill sponsor and I am confident that a substitute version of the bill is ready for consideration that makes needed changes instead of harming the cities.  I plan to vote for the new version, but will continue to look to my local leaders and constituents to make sure it is meeting local needs.

HB93 Judicial Nominating Process Amendments (Rep. M. Nelson)

This bill presents an interesting question about the separation of powers.  Our state constitution says that the Legislature is responsible for determining qualifications for judges and the Governor is responsible to nominate candidates.  HB93 establishes the criteria in code and prevents the executive branch from adding new criteria.  In its current form, the bill adopts most of the current criteria into code.

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